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人は『ルーツ(root)』に関心を抱く。 人生とは根源・由来・先祖を辿る旅である。 作品を通じて日本の裏面史の一端を表すのが使命である。

従来より大和朝廷の公式文書として古事記、日本書紀がある。神話風に編纂されており謎も多い。 近年、先代旧事本紀や国宝・海部氏系図などの古文書も注目されている。




People are interested in their root.
Life is a journey to trace back the roots, origin, and ancestors.
My mission is to show a part of the back history of Japan through My works.


◆Historical Background
Kojiki and Nihonshoki are the official documents of the Yamato Imperial Court. They are compiled in the style of mythology and are full of mysteries. 
In recent years, ancient documents such as the Sendai-Kuji-Hongi and the Amabe-Uji-Keizu~national treasure, have been attracting attention.
My mother's family has been a family of Shinto priests for almost 2,000 years.


◆About the production
The main character, a boy named Iwamura, who appears in the work, is my alter ego, traveling through the otherworld Taka-Amahara, encountering the ancient gods and revealing their “roots”.
In the past, gods and Buddha have been the motif of many paintings, but I depict the costumes of the gods while arranging them in a modern style.
I use mainly blue as an expression of the summer season.
I aim to create works that tell a hidden story of Japan, as if looking at a picture scroll.

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